The light early this morning was beautiful. I went out to look for barn owls and instead stumbled across this heron. I spent some time photographing it as it foraged along the river's edge. When it flew, I was pleased to capture the sunlight just catching the edges of its feathers.
Photography has taken a bit of a back seat recently. The last few months have been busy, and the damp winter weather certainly hasn't helped with tempting me out with my camera! Now the days are getting brighter and longer though, I can feel my photographic inspiration filling up once again - hopefully overflowing soon!
I'm also very pleased to say that the calendars have raised £165 for the Marine Conservation Society - my chosen charity for this year. Thank you so much for all of your orders!
Technical details: Canon 7D MKII + 100-400mm lens at 241mm; 1/800 sec at f/5; ISO 800.