I've been back home in Wales for a few days and this photo was taken on my first morning. When I woke up I noticed a thick mist covering the whole valley. As the sun rose, I watched it turn into a sea of fiery gold.
I love using my long lens to isolate small details in a landscape. Here, most of the valley was obscured by the mist, but the tops of these trees were just tall enough to poke through. My attention was particularly caught by the wisps of light filtering through their branches. It looks like the forest is on fire, but I'm pleased to say that's just an illusion!
If you missed my piece about photography and starlings on BBC Radio 4, you can listen here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/m001214v. My section starts about 03:30 into the programme. I was really happy with how it turned out and have had some great feedback - thank you!
Finally, I still have a few calendars left! If you would like some of the last ones, feel free to drop me a message or you can order through my website.
Thanks for all of your support over the last year. I hope you have a lovely Christmas!
Technical details: Canon 7D MKII + 100-400mm lens at 400mm; 1/1000 sec at f/8; ISO 100.