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No. 61, 31st December: Happy New Year!

It's that little tree again! I took this photo a few days ago after a snowy night. I love the way snow simplifies the shapes in a landscape. It's like waking up in a completely new place. Back in the spring lockdown when I started this newsletter, this hawthorn tree seemed to be a metaphor for staying grounded whatever the world threw at us. What a journey it's been since then! I hope this little tree carries us through 2021 with slightly fewer storms, a little more joy, and lots more hugs! Thanks for your support of my photography over the last year. Best wishes, Mairi

P.S. I have a handful of calendars left if anyone would like one of the last ones.

Technical details: Canon 7D MKII + 100-400mm lens with at 100mm; 1/800 sec at f/5.6; ISO 250.


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