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No. 36, 28th April: Nuthatch

Here's a nuthatch doing a backward bend. I like the way its head is almost at right angles to its body!

When I started this daily photo venture, I set myself the challenge of carrying on until at least the end of April. That's now just a few days away, so I've had to decide what to do next.

My university final exams are coming up in a few weeks and I really need to concentrate on revising for them, so I've reluctantly decided to stop sending out daily photos after the 30th April. I've really enjoyed putting these daily photos together but they require a certain amount of time and commitment that I can't really give them right now.

I do intend to send out the odd photo every now and then, but I can't promise how regularly it will be.

Thank you again for being so supportive of my photography.

Technical details: Canon 7D MKII + 100-400mm lens with 1.4x extender at 560mm; 1/500 sec at f/8; ISO 640.


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