This is a photo I overlooked when I first took it. I re-discovered it on my hard drive a couple of days ago and was surprised it hadn't made the cut before. I think there's something quite comical about this woodpecker's pose. It reminds me of one of those cartoon sketches where someone pokes their head out from behind a tree that is far to narrow to hide their body!
I'm sure there must be other little gems nestled away on my hard drive somewhere; I'd like to make it my mission to sift back through to find them, but it always seems like such a daunting task! I guess it would be the perfect lockdown activity if there weren't exams to revise for and new photos to take. Hopefully the discovery of this photo will motivate me to look a bit deeper...
Technical details: Canon 7D MKII + 100-400mm lens with 1.4x extender at 560mm; 1/320 sec at f/8; ISO 500.